Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Beatles - Julia

Watched "nowhere boy" today, under nic's recommendation. It wasn't really a recommendation actually, she just said something which made me want to watch it. I love sad movies. It was painful and confusing at one point, the kind where tears can't dissolve anger. So much pain and anger, watching him... words can't be found today. As with other days recently.

It was a story of John Lennon's childhood/teenage years. I remember the scene where he left julia's (his biological mother) place after having learnt bobby (her husband) didn't want him around, that scene was one filled with loss and confusion for me. It was bleak, and upon retrospect I feel fortunate to have a complete family. And I feel like hugging anyone who misses that feeling, not out of pity but out of.. I don't know, I just feel like hugging them.

I'm out of words, it was a good movie. I teared.


Also, my fingers are frickin' itching to play the guitar (a brand new capo for me to test out), but it's been sent for repair. Poor baby got a broken neck and I can't see her till a month later.(glossy sexy black her might as well be a she) The tips of my fingers are still hard from tuesday.My fingers are itching. to. play. a. guitar.

I bought the book of disquiet from book depository last night, please arrive in the mail soon? The ones on my shelf don't interest my current self, and maybe I should also get a copy of "what is love" for myself. The one I got from the library, loved, and had to let go of.


The Beatles - Let it be


It's been a long day. I received an sms from NUS this morning, asking me to check the status of my application. Okay, good news. But honestly, I am unsure of what the future holds for me. I forsee a few years of enjoyment in school, it will be. But how about the future? We shall see, I guess.

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